Rear Seat Torcs screw Solution....

M6x1.00 Allen head screw, wing nut, spacer, nut, red locktite. Tighten. The red loctite goes on the Allen screw, wing nut and the bottom nut. Do NOT install this on your sled until all the loctite is dry, and you’ve cleaned all the excess off the threads going into the seat retaining nut. You don’t want to loctite your seat bolt on. That would be bad. Get all stainless hardware if you want, I just used stuff I had laying around. I’ve used it for 2 seasons now and it works great. Not as sexy as the billet one, but if you lose this in the snow you just make another one for under $3.

M6x1.00 Allen head screw, wing nut, spacer, nut, red locktite. Tighten. The red loctite goes on the Allen screw, wing nut and the bottom nut. Do NOT install this on your sled until all the loctite is dry, and you’ve cleaned all the excess off the threads going into the seat retaining nut. You don’t want to loctite your seat bolt on. That would be bad. Get all stainless hardware if you want, I just used stuff I had laying around. I’ve used it for 2 seasons now and it works great. Not as sexy as the billet one, but if you lose this in the snow you just make another one for under $3.

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Can you guys believe that we have 12 pages dedicated to this? LOL! I am guilty as well. I think we all need some ice & snow to take our minds off of stuff like this. Everybody do their snow dance!
Obsessing over the little things makes the time until snow arrives go faster LOL
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I find having to use a star bit to remove a screw before I can remove my seat to be a big pain and poor design.

Anyone come up with a quick "pin type" solution that would make it easy to access.

Share your ideas please.
Go to the hardware store any big one like ace or hardware hank ...fastener isle they make threaded bolts with a plastic knob for the head. You will have to cut it to length..but its cheaper and easier to use than the raceworks one and its made from ss not aluminum.
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I gave up on this two years ago... running without the thumb screw on seat and it has not come off yet! Not needed IMO...
I love how this thread comes alive while we're all patiently waiting for the white stuff.

I'm still running my OEM seat screw And so far no problems. I've considered taking the screw out but when you're side hilling that perfect line through the woods I feel it would be embarrassing if your seat fell off. Especially since all the riding buddies have GoPros now.
I love how this thread comes alive while we're all patiently waiting for the white stuff.

I'm still running my OEM seat screw And so far no problems. I've considered taking the screw out but when you're side hilling that perfect line through the woods I feel it would be embarrassing if your seat fell off. Especially since all the riding buddies have GoPros now.

No more embarrassing than jumping on someone else's sled to un-stick it and putting it track side up less than 100 feet from where you jumped on :dunno:

That just makes for good video!
Well now we have to see!

I skillfully unstucked a friend's sled from a small hill and then immediately performed a center of gravity test on his sled. The video editor may have portrayed it like I fell off the sled but it was actually a scientific test. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Back to topic of the seat screw, this particular AC machine had the OEM seat screw installed. See how I changed the subject back so quickly. ;)!
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I skillfully unstucked a friend's sled from a small hill and then immediately performed a center of gravity test on his sled. The video editor may have portrayed it like I fell off the sled but it was actually a scientific test. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Back to topic of the seat screw, this particular AC machine had the OEM seat screw installed. See how I changed the subject back so quickly. ;)!

Losing a seat while unsticking a friends sled....PRICELESS!!!

All the vids we have....I haven't seen any releases yet guys :D

I am making 2 seat bolts today....bolts, washers and a welder
this wasnt a good idea...not the right thread pitch...i now have 2 useless knobs
You guys are not gonna believe this. I lost my knob! Ziptie is on there now. Simple.
