Rear Seat Torcs screw Solution....

I have read most of the posts here but was still having a hard time deciding what to do, although I was leaning toward no bolt whatsoever. The addition of a Powderkeg gas and dry storage unit complicated things further, was just not much room left s0 I drilled out the thread to 1/4" and installed a detent pin at a cost of $1.00 CAD.

Detent pin.jpg

I have said it once I will say it again. There is no problem with the seat screw! The real problem is we don't have snow so we're finding other things to do in the mean time. Haha... You guys/gals have a good safe season and I am sure once your riding you won't even be thinking about the seat screw.

P.S. Trails are open in Michigan. Just add snow!
I have said it once I will say it again. There is no problem with the seat screw! The real problem is we don't have snow so we're finding other things to do in the mean time. Haha... You guys/gals have a good safe season and I am sure once your riding you won't even be thinking about the seat screw.

P.S. Trails are open in Michigan. Just add snow!
I have to respectfully disagree. With the addition of the Powderkeg there is barely room for me to get my hand in there. Perhaps if I could find a stubby torx screwdriver it would work, but I have never seen one. Even if available, it would cost more than a buck, so I am quite happy with what I ended up with.
Once my screw fell out I never replaced it. That was two seasons ago, ha ha. Seat really doesn't require any type of bolt/screw.
I you go to your Yamaha dealer and ask them for the old style Phazer hood latch screw it works great, thats what I have been using and I showed my dealer and now thats what they put on all there new sleds.
Once my screw fell out I never replaced it. That was two seasons ago, ha ha. Seat really doesn't require any type of bolt/screw.

I had the Racewerx billet aluminum knob on my Viper which wore a hole in my tunnel bag and constantly became loose requiring frequent checking and tightening. When it finally fell out somewhere on the trail I never replaced it and the seat stayed on just fine for an entire season with no fastener in the latch.
I have read most of the posts here but was still having a hard time deciding what to do, although I was leaning toward no bolt whatsoever. The addition of a Powderkeg gas and dry storage unit complicated things further, was just not much room left s0 I drilled out the thread to 1/4" and installed a detent pin at a cost of $1.00 CAD.

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What model powder keg is that, it looks great? I was told the 700 combo would not fit my ltx le. Did you have to move your taillight? I gave up on the 700 combo and was going to settle on the xp120 combo but now looking at yours ( if it is a 700) now I don’t want to settle. Do you know your measurement between the seat screw and taillight?
What model powder keg is that, it looks great? I was told the 700 combo would not fit my ltx le. Did you have to move your taillight? I gave up on the 700 combo and was going to settle on the xp120 combo but now looking at yours ( if it is a 700) now I don’t want to settle. Do you know your measurement between the seat screw and taillight?
Sorry, I see now that is a viper and not a sidewinder, I did not look very good and got too exited too fast.
Sorry, I see now that is a viper and not a sidewinder, I did not look very good and got too exited too fast.
It is a great product, could not be happier with it. My 137 LE.......I only had to relocate the performance damper to underneath the tunnel. If you can find a way to mount it I think you will be pleased.
As I just read the first ten pages of this thread I was going to go to the garage and do the same pic for comedy. Great minds think alike!

Back to the real thing here. if everyone in your group has a battery tender lead from there battery you can make up a jumper to go from sled to sled. Also Lowes has those drawers of doodads that should have a thumbscrew. Cheers.
