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Nyper build thread

Wow! Fantastic build going on here.

If it hasn't been mentioned, possibly look at adding a swirl pot/deaeration tank to the cooling system. That item can really save day and keep the coolant doing the job.
My bent 3/4 frame tube is not vertical and made the drivetrain plate slightly more difficult. I drilled & tapped some holes in the jig and bolted a couple pieces of 1” angle to it for my drivetrain plate to rest against. I put a straight edge across the lower frame tubes and then a square on top of that, and then shimmed behind the bottom of the 1” angle pieces until they were square with the lower frame tubes. Now when I go to fit the drivetrain plate I can clamp it to the angle for welding and it will be vertical.
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View attachment 166856

Had to make a paper copy of the brake caliper to get the mounting bolt locations for proper template.
View attachment 166857

Drivetrain plate will be a single piece of .090 4130 plate that both flanges and the brake caliper bolt to.
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View attachment 166859

I’m unsure at this point how rigid a flat piece of plate will be. 0.090 is fairly thick and once it get welded and shrinks it should be stiff. If it does flex then I’ll weld some additional tube or plate in to stiffen it up but I want to wait and see. Trying to come in under 1.25 lbs for the plating on this side. That gives me .75 lbs for the chaincase side.
The Nytro and Phazer have a cast aluminum bearing holder in the bottom of the chaincase/frame.
Wow! Fantastic build going on here.

If it hasn't been mentioned, possibly look at adding a swirl pot/deaeration tank to the cooling system. That item can really save day and keep the coolant doing the job.

Will do, thanks!
Working on fitting the side plate.

Got the shock shafts back from machine shop. They drilled the holes 0.5” deeper and I tapped the threads. I also ordered Titanium bolts. I was worried about the strength of cheap Ti bolts so I ordered these from Mettec USA, they are grade 8 with forged heads. 3/8-24x2

You may have answered this elsewhere but why no belt drive?
Mostly cost and the weight savings is not as much for me. The belt drives from the other models would not be without issues.

A complete Pro RMK belt drive with shafts and brake is about 22 lbs and the Polaris driveshafts are garbage.

The Sidewinders have a lot of bearing/shaft issues on the clutch side and the jack shafts are heavy on these models.

My setup complete (all bearing holders, shafts, brake setup, chain case, gears & chain and hardware) is about 24 lbs, almost 4 lbs lighter than a factory Apex setup. Plus the Yamaha chain & gears are bulletproof.

The only belt drive stuff that interests me is from MVM, they have the lightest gears on the market. If I could do anything I wanted I would have MVM make pulleys to fit the Apex shafts.
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Drilled holes just big enough for the shafts to fit thru while fitting the plate

Pressed my bearings into some extra flat flanges to ensure they sat flush against the plate.

Triple checking plate is square to the shafts.

I opened up the holes about 95% before tacking the plate. Once everything is welded I will finish the holes, wanted to wait in case anything moves while welding.


Test fit of brake after tack welding. Looks like it will work.


The plate ended up 1.3 lbs, I should have no problem keeping the chaincase side under 0.7 lbs. Started on it tonight and should be done in a couple days.
Picking away at the chaincase side. Slow going to make sure fit up on the tabs is perfect so they don’t move and put the case out of alignment. Tabs are all .090 4130.


2nd, had it straight and then rotated it and bent the corners to spread out the weld surface and wrap the tube a little.

3rd, almost bent both sides but it’s hard to get the bends that close in my little homemade brake. I think being .090 it will be strong enough. I wouldn’t think there would ever be enough outward force on the case half to bend the tabs?

4th, this one took a bit as the 3/4 tube bends in towards the steering hoop and the notches aren’t the same.


Tried to make the tabs as small and strong as possible. I’m way under weight on this side so far. I need to weld in a 3/4 tube and then I can do the 5th and final tab.
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No plate, just the tunnel skin on the inside.

3/4 tube fit. Used .049 to keep it same as the rest of the hoop.

Bent in at the top to keep the tube straight and same .090 gap to chaincase mount.

1 more tab and the drivetrain is done
As much as I hate redoing stuff, I was hesitant about the strength of the tabs so I cut off 3 of the old tabs and remade them. They now all have 2 bent sides and look the same aside from being different lengths. 0.37 lbs for all 5 tabs and the 3/4 tube was 0.20 lbs so still only 0.57 lbs to support the chaincase and no more concerns about strength.

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Got the plate welded 100% and tabs about 90% welded. Didn’t want to remove it from the jig so did what I could.

I’ve been happy with how most of the frame is turning out except for the tunnel. I’ve stood on it a few times and I don’t like the long 3/4 tubes going up the steering hoop, they hit my inner legs leaning back and forth and will require a custom aluminum fuel tank. I decided to redo the upper pyramid so they aren’t needed anymore. Been coming up with a plan the last couple days.

Going to redo the front 1” x .035 tubes so they join together and will be shorter as well. Blue tape will be new tubing.

Then I’m going to cut out the rear 3/4 x .049 tubes just from the node to the steering post and make new ones from 1 x .035. They will be shorter and have more of a triangle to them. 1”x .035 is lighter than 3/4 x .049 per ft and has more torsional stiffness so should be quite a bit stiffer. I had my wife help take the motor in and out and the blue tape is as low as I can put the tubes while still getting the motor in and out without to much struggle.

As for the tunnel I’m not sure what I’m going to do. May weld in the 3/4 tube with tape on it, or just make the skin a little thicker and not do any additional tubing. Once the new pyramid/hoop is done and welded I’ll pull it from the jig and see how much the 1x .058 running boards flex. Also going to hold off fitting the bearing flanges and rear motor mounts until the pyramid is welded.
Wont take me long to redo. Got the old tubes cut out and frame cleaned up. Tacked a piece of square tube at the top of the hoop where new 1” tubes need to come together.
Front redone and tacked.

Where the tubes come together where will be a plate/bracket I’ll weld on for the steering post bushing. The all 1” tube gusset is where the rear hoop tubes will tie in. Doing it all out of 1” x .035
