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Mach Z not stock king of the lake.

Joe remember I had my Winder before you did. I think you gave me some crap for buying it.
I also have the Dalton O/B secondary spring on mine. Like I posted before I like my chances since I’ve done it a few times already. Unless you are tuned it won’t be worth my time.
I find that there is no knowledge on this topic when you own both with what I read in some of these comments. It’s better to say the 998 wins, always!
Then you get the trolling comments. It started out comparing other brands?
:cool: Till next winter. I can’t wait

Joe remember I had my Winder before you did. I think you gave me some crap for buying it.
I also have the Dalton O/B secondary spring on mine. Like I posted before I like my chances since I’ve done it a few times already. Unless you are tuned it won’t be worth my time.
Lol.....watch yourself. Alzheimer's could be creeping up on you. Oct 2016. Haha.
Trust me.....I was fighting them off by myself on dootalk.
At first they wanted me to run in bad conditions, good for them, thou. I passed. Like 8" of pow. Lol.
Then I took a trip to Ontario Canada to race randy (super cool guy) and he came back and told it like it was. He gets a new 850 every year, and has a 1200turbo 300-350hp for drags. This year he did get a Mach Z. Hope all goes well.
The only reason I want to race your 900r and all bs aside. I know you're a stand-up guy.
That's a fact.
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Well i'm still keeping it fair & REAL on this thread.
Yes i'm single and ADDICTED, i:e OCD, with trail riding.
I made a rule years ago with my single friends that there are NO girlfriends from January 1st to March 31st.
Well the sweet smell of perfume has crashed all their hopes of putting on 6000 miles a year cuz they all failed me.
I have been recruiting new blood every year.
Plus i wear them out so i need "relief" riders on speed dial. Like a Coach calling up the BullPen.

I just realized that MOST people keep talking about the MACH and i really have no info on them.
I never ran one or even spoke to one to how they matched up.
So MY posts are about my 900R.

Here is the reality of going "fast"
5650 of my miles were on "trails"
YES i hit some BIG straights in the COUNTY, but the majority still have bends & hills.
YES some of the trails can be hit at well over a 100, but throw in the responsibility of staying to the right, snow dust, NOT wanting to DIE, that 100 mph trail can only be hit at 80 or so most of the time. And 80 to 100 is my sweet spot.
I've ALWAYS said i don't like GOING fast, i like GETTING fast!
And corner to corner trails i'm able to do that ALL day!!!!
400 one day from Fort Kent to Rangeley. With NO snow for 50 miles in the middle.

I got humbled a bit this year. Let me explain.
It started to snow on a Rail Bed in Fort Kent so i kicked it down a notch.
So my bud on his POO POO 850 passed me thinking his sled "all of sudden" gained 50hp.
He hit a bump he didn't see at i assume over 100mph.
He lost control, luckily slid straight down the trail while his sled took a left into a tree.
We tried to put out the fire for 20 minutes................................didn't work.
Nothing but the crank & the muffler left.
Took it home in an URN. Good thing cuz it was easier to carry it then drag it

Morale of Story:
UMMMM..................not sure there's a morale here so i'll give a P.S:

Can you imagine how many miles we ALL would be able to put on if they Castrated us at age 13?
I'm waiting on a video of me passing a Winder in the air when his speedo said 105. No he wasn't pinned, just scared.
So you CAN hit over 100 on a trail............or in the air

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I think we should end on that note .that crash kind of spoiled my chance to ride with you Steve. I hope we can rip it up next year. Even though I don’t qualify because I’ve been married for 41 years. my wife is an absolute angel , she is OK with me riding 4 or 5 weeks as long as I take her to Florida for a week or so and I will forever love her for that. I should mention that she actually bought me a brand new 2014 Apex XTX, I can’t believe how good she is to me so I will repeat I will forever love this woman.
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I think we should end on that note .that crash kind of spoiled my chance to ride with you Steve. I hope we can rip it up next year. Even though I don’t qualify because I’ve been married for 41 years. my wife is an absolute angel , she is OK with me riding 4 or 5 weeks as long as I take her to Florida for a week or so and I will forever love her for that. I should mention that she actually bought me a brand new 2014 Apex XTX, I can’t believe how good she is to me so I will repeat I will forever love this woman.
My wife and I will be married 45 years next month. I always felt she was an angel but now I think she has reached saint hood.
We ride together all the time. We have taken groups on many saddlebag trips up in Ontario and Quebec. She loves snowmobiling as much or more than I do.
She bought me my first Vette in 2019 as a retirement gift. Then she bought me a C8 last September because she fell in love with it when we saw it in person. She is the only reason I still ride sleds. I wanted to sell the sleds because our Winters have been getting shorter and she wouldn't let me.
Lol.....watch yourself. Alzheimer's could be creeping up on you. Oct 2016. Haha.
Trust me.....I was fighting them off by myself on dootalk.
At first they wanted me to run in bad conditions, good for them, thou. I passed. Like 8" of pow. Lol.
Then I took a trip to Ontario Canada to race randy (super cool guy) and he came back and told it like it was. He gets a new 850 every year, and has a 1200turbo 300-350hp for drags. This year he did get a Mach Z. Hope all goes well.
The only reason I want to race your 900r and all bs aside. I know you're a stand-up guy.
That's a fact.
The guys on DooTalk were brutal that year we bought our Winders. They made up so many stories about what turds the Winders were and how slow they were. It was very similar to what the guys here are saying about the 900r.
What really doesn't make sense is probably 90% of the Winder owners here are running 240-270 HP tunes and they get all upset when I post that the 900r will run with and out accelerate a stock Winder. What do they know? None of them own stock Winders. The 900r has no chance against their tuned Winders.
The guys on DooTalk were brutal that year we bought our Winders. They made up so many stories about what turds the Winders were and how slow they were. It was very similar to what the guys here are saying about the 900r.
What really doesn't make sense is probably 90% of the Winder owners here are running 240-270 HP tunes and they get all upset when I post that the 900r will run with and out accelerate a stock Winder. What do they know? None of them own stock Winders. The 900r has no chance against their tuned Winders.
I agree with tuned winder comment & assessment of opinions.
It's probably safe to say that a stock properly running 900r will run with a stock 998t, up to a point.
And problem I see in real world is this. Not everything is equal. Some owners do prep & maintenance, and some don't.
Some riders care about racing & some don't.
Case in point....I ran a guy on a stock completely unprepared SRX. He got it handed to him, over & over, by myself.
When all was said and done I tried to talk to him about things he could do to prep his sled.
And he didn't seem to care. All he wanted was to make more noise. Lol.
Have a good day, Joe.
Seems like what I said?
If you’re going out to drag race with studs that penetrate a lug height 1/8 inch it’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
We have a 18 Tcat that cannot beat our clutched 850 poos. They are running 98 in 660 on radar.
On the other hand when I race others with 270 tune they are going by at around 500 ft.
I see what I see in real world and it’s fun to give a bit of crap to people but you can also have all the hp in the world and sit and spin.
OK, time for me to chime in. I have MORE to say later.
I will start with I still LOVE the SideWinder!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE understand this!
I put 5700 miles on my 900R this year.
Not ONE issue and i run hard. I spent ALL my time riding & not wrenching.
My 3000 mile belt pulled 120 on speedo. It took 3000 miles before motor would pull 78-8000 rpm's
I think the biggest problem is how DOO advertised this sled.

"King of Lake".....................................................................NOT!!
"Great Trail Sled to Ride All Day"...............................more like it!
"Out Accelerate Everything including Lite 2-Strokes"............yes!

NOTHING STOCK could out accelerate me. Hoping to get the videos out soon.
And that is what trails are. Accelerating.
YES a good running STOCK Winder can reel me in with a perfect situation..............Lake or Rail Bed.............only happened twice BTW out of 5700 miles.
I still LOVE the SideWinder so i will not bash it. To ME they are very even give or take a few issues on both.
I rode with 5 Winders & they NOW have respect. All the 850 boys are still shocked cuz they believed the INTRANET BS

I applaud DOO for at least making an attempt for a fix. I believe my throttle is fine, but many should be fixed by this. I spoke to dealer who was doing this fix months ago & it helped 2 of the 4 he adjusted. 1 had loose hoses. The last one may be dud.
Did they go 120 mph? NO.......but they were better.
YamahaCat takes forever for fixes IF they even address them!!!!! This is undisputable even for die hards.

5 small issues on my R:
1. 1 of the 6 LED's on tail lite went out
2. A plastic tab that holds hood from sliding back broke off. I don't think i had it on properly, but still kinda cheap
3. My 11,000 mile LinQ gas can bracket is loose
4. Oil in my hoses so Catch Can is next
5. I still think it needs a BOV

Can i take a SideWinder? To 100..........YES
My old Ecoboost Winder came closest.

SideWinder is King of Lake...................until next year?
BOOST will be fast................if it makes it across lake!
View attachment 167847
I'm having a hard time believing that mach can out accelerate or out corner an srx
OK, time for me to chime in. I have MORE to say later.
I will start with I still LOVE the SideWinder!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE understand this!
I put 5700 miles on my 900R this year.
Not ONE issue and i run hard. I spent ALL my time riding & not wrenching.
My 3000 mile belt pulled 120 on speedo. It took 3000 miles before motor would pull 78-8000 rpm's
I think the biggest problem is how DOO advertised this sled.

"King of Lake".....................................................................NOT!!
"Great Trail Sled to Ride All Day"...............................more like it!
"Out Accelerate Everything including Lite 2-Strokes"............yes!

NOTHING STOCK could out accelerate me. Hoping to get the videos out soon.
And that is what trails are. Accelerating.
YES a good running STOCK Winder can reel me in with a perfect situation..............Lake or Rail Bed.............only happened twice BTW out of 5700 miles.
I still LOVE the SideWinder so i will not bash it. To ME they are very even give or take a few issues on both.
I rode with 5 Winders & they NOW have respect. All the 850 boys are still shocked cuz they believed the INTRANET BS

I applaud DOO for at least making an attempt for a fix. I believe my throttle is fine, but many should be fixed by this. I spoke to dealer who was doing this fix months ago & it helped 2 of the 4 he adjusted. 1 had loose hoses. The last one may be dud.
Did they go 120 mph? NO.......but they were better.
YamahaCat takes forever for fixes IF they even address them!!!!! This is undisputable even for die hards.

5 small issues on my R:
1. 1 of the 6 LED's on tail lite went out
2. A plastic tab that holds hood from sliding back broke off. I don't think i had it on properly, but still kinda cheap
3. My 11,000 mile LinQ gas can bracket is loose
4. Oil in my hoses so Catch Can is next
5. I still think it needs a BOV

Can i take a SideWinder? To 100..........YES
My old Ecoboost Winder came closest.

SideWinder is King of Lake...................until next year?
BOOST will be fast................if it makes it across lake!
View attachment 167847View attachment 167848
I'm having a hard time believing that thing can out accelerate an srx or let alone out corner it on the trail i need too run with you to see this for myself maybe next year
I'm having a hard time believing that ma
I'm having a hard time believing that thing can out accelerate an srx or let alone out corner it on the trail i need too run with you to see this for myself maybe next year
The thread is 'mach z not stock king of the lake'.
When did 500 and 660 foot drags become king of the lake?
Since drag racing started I guess
But like I say as long as you agree you’re in the club. Lol
And their is no argument that the 998 is a good sled. Some of us have found better in our opinions. Is that fair?
Why is it hard to believe a lighter sled out accelerates a 998. A 998 can be made into a beast. It’s not on the level of building a 1100 zuke though.
I believe there is potential in the skidoo and like I said I will probably never own one but a lot of people I know or hear about on here like them. Some people don’t care about what they spend either and good for them because they have been successful in life in some way. Good for them.
I like my Polaris sleds too and I haven’t owned one since a 91 650 until this year and that was because a thundercat came out in 93.
Maybe Mach z running correctly beats a stock 998?? Then what? Argue you can make more power with the 998 because that’s a fact.
Everything else is speculation
I think we're talking about two different things.
What is stock king of the lake has somewhat/somehow turned into short distance prepped sleds.
I have yet to witness for myself a drag between the new 900T and a stock winder(not one that's six years old).
I also have not seen third party drags(1/4 mile) with the new 900T and winder/T-cat.
Even the infamous lesters wouldn't do a 1/4 mile pass from standing start.
I think we're talking about two different things.
What is stock king of the lake has somewhat/somehow turned into short distance prepped sleds.
I have yet to witness for myself a drag between the new 900T and a stock winder(not one that's six years old).
I also have not seen third party drags(1/4 mile) with the new 900T and winder/T-cat.
Even the infamous lesters wouldn't do a 1/4 mile pass from standing start.
Two equally running sleds or let's just say two sleds running as they were designed to run. Ain't nothing made today gonna topple the SRX on the lake, at speed. It just ain't gonna happen. Unless it's a lie, or someone's not being completely honest. Then it happened. Lol.
The problem with the "real world" is like jvji24 said. "Who wants to bring a knife to a gun fight?"
I said you can have the boost to race.
Nice friendly race. We can video it and I’ll even buy you a beer after. Win or lose. I just don’t see the 998 as king when I see what my current 850 n/a runs like.
But I would put a 225 or 240 tune in just in case so it’s closer! Lol
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