Yamaha Cutting Production for 2019

you know Suzuki came to play with cat when arcticat was making a comeback in 1983 using old leafspring frontend on the eltegre because they sold the patent to Polaris for trailing arm at auction then the wishbone cameout and they took off and Suzuki took home 20% market share Yamaha already made money sinse 2014 so maybe they made enough to retool ?? just a thought
I just saw this posting from Kip the owner of Pat's Motorsport's on the John Dee website:

My guess was correct. I normally order 70 to 80 new Yamaha's a year. Most dealers are going to be lucky to get 2!!!!!!!!!! That's not a misprint. Yamaha will rely 90% on their snow check program. They want to create a demand for their product and bring value to their used market. I say kudos to them for doing this. It's a bold move but I think it's the right one. Starting at 10 eastern time today each Yamaha dealer can order 3 2018 or 2017 models per day until they're all gone and models are limited!!!! If you want a Yamaha I strongly suggest you either order a new 2019 snow check or you get a 17 or 18!!! I doubt anyone saw this coming so it's going to be scramble for dealers and customers
!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
I hate to say it but we are seeing the last of Yamaha snowmobiles and I'm not saying just the Japan built sleds. This is a sad day. I was afraid of this when Textron bought Cat!
I agree with geez177. Someone at big blue has a pretty large pair of cajones to pull the trigger on this move but I really think that it shows us all that they are in it for the long haul and are seriously looking out for their dealers long term success.

Just think of last years release of the SnoScoot. That should show that they're looking ahead to create a new base of customers.

I think that Yamaha is the only one of the OEM's that can actually do this for one season without taking a large hit in their overall profitability.

Let's hope that this move will work for them and their dealers.
I saw that the only Japan built sled with model year 2019 was the VK540. Seems like production in Japan is being terminated. The end of Yamaha sleds. I wonder for how many more years we will see Yamaha branded Arctic Cats...
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Posted in other thread but felt more relevant in this thread.

While I was hoping for something new, the business approach Yamaha is taking is positive. Depreciation factor on sleds only few years old has been terrible with all the left over sleds. It's a cycle that needed to be broke and I'm glad to see Yamaha is taking the initiative to do something about it. In my opinion, this move shows more commitment to the future snowmobile line than a new model.
Well... I guess Yamaha will not win me back this year! I bought a Ski Doo 850 to hold me over until Yamaha does something to pull me back. I am really curious about the Polaris 850 they just released! If Yamaha were to release a two stroke 850-900 two stroke, I would be back in a heartbeat! Make that a triple and I would be shoving people out of the way to laydown my deposit. Never in my life did I ever think I would own a Ski Doo and to even think that I would be curious about a Polaris is just a huge surprise. Maybe if Yamaha and or Arctic Cat do something for 2020 I will change my tune but for now... I will have fun on my Doo.
I agree. Honda has been doing this for years in the atv. Only offering certain models for the year depending on leftovers. They didn’t make a new model year 450r for a couple years. Market is flooded with leftovers which makes a used machine worth very little.
Posted in other thread but felt more relevant in this thread.

While I was hoping for something new, the business approach Yamaha is taking is positive. Depreciation factor on sleds only few years old has been terrible with all the left over sleds. It's a cycle that needed to be broke and I'm glad to see Yamaha is taking the initiative to do something about it. In my opinion, this move shows more commitment to the future snowmobile line than a new model.
Idk.....declining snow conditions & market. This is a very safe move for Yamaha.
I hope the three other manufacturers choke on leftovers. Lol. JK!

hibshman25, x100 hope this strategy helps all of us.
How long do you think Yamaha will make parts for their sleds!
In the automotive world they only have to do it for 10 years.
Lol, that’s funny! The ink was hardly dry on the deal to sell off Hummer and GM was putting H2 and H3 parts on disco......
Honestly there could be two reasons for this.. most likely and my take

Textron buys arctic and catches Yamaha by surprise and puts them in a bad spot. Then Textron reads up on the supply deal and starts optimizing production and tells Yamaha all orders need to be in by this date for us to uphold our end.. Yamaha who has been relying on arctics less than "strictly business" approach has no other options than to comply or stop producing sleds. Wanting to stay in the sled business or at least not just roll over complies giving them a few more months to decide if they can set up a US manufacturing line and finalize a new chassi för 2020 or call it quits. Textron won't be a long time partner.

So if I had written this during business hours I would have charged for it.

My 0.02$ is there will be a Yamaha built 2020 sled, and it will be to late and still 4stroke..

As a consultant I would suggest (in so many more cool business words) branching of a new US subsidiary, all new people and no corporate culture and let them be the "creative new thinking, upp and coming, talent pool of Yamaha.. but chances for that would be slim to none, but sucsessfull.
I just saw this posting from Kip the owner of Pat's Motorsport's on the John Dee website:

My guess was correct. I normally order 70 to 80 new Yamaha's a year. Most dealers are going to be lucky to get 2!!!!!!!!!! That's not a misprint. Yamaha will rely 90% on their snow check program. They want to create a demand for their product and bring value to their used market. I say kudos to them for doing this. It's a bold move but I think it's the right one. Starting at 10 eastern time today each Yamaha dealer can order 3 2018 or 2017 models per day until they're all gone and models are limited!!!! If you want a Yamaha I strongly suggest you either order a new 2019 snow check or you get a 17 or 18!!! I doubt anyone saw this coming so it's going to be scramble for dealers and customers
!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

should of done this years ago,this will make dealers happy...guaranteed other three will follow suite!!!that means more yamaha dealers since you dont have to hold inventory!!!!!
